Sep 3, 2020
Event Type: Competition
Contact person:
Jatin Vaishnav Ph: +91 7990793617
Dear Students,
Faculty Coordinators of Cultural Club Prof. Jagadeesh R. and Prof. Mohan Gowda G. S., along with student coordinators of the club planned to conduct an event “FOODOGRAPHY” under the PHOTOGRAPHY club of “Witty Bits” from 3rd September 2020 to 5th September 2020.
Overview of Event:
When it comes to creativity, “ IT’S EVERYWHERE ”, so here photography Club in collaboration with CSE/IT FORUM presents “FOODOGRAPHY” to you to showcase your talent to present a thing that is very vital for our living- “FOOD”, in a way that makes it look fascinating while you are self-isolating at home.
The main objective of this event is for the participants to come up with creative ways to present edibles from breakfast, lunch and dinner to enjoy the joy of photography, make this event as an escape from boredom and enjoy the little things that seem so normal.