Relevance of M.A. Education Academic Program For Teachers In India

With today’s education system getting smart thanks to the deeper penetration of next-gen technology, it becomes inevitable that teachers also become smarter and apply newer teaching methodologies such that education is imparted in a comparatively hassle-free manner whilst stimulating the intelligence quotient amongst students to enable them to become ”Life-Long Learners.” The need of the hour is to smartly train the next-gen teachers who could … Continue reading Relevance of M.A. Education Academic Program For Teachers In India

CMR University Establishes Specialized School Of Education, To Nurture Aspiring Teachers

CMR University, Bengaluru, continuing its glorious legacy of “Nurturing Creative Thinkers To Drive Positive Global Change” has now established a specialized School of Education offering a postgraduate and doctoral program in Education. This specialized School is focussed on moulding teachers, school leaders, education researchers, and educational administrators who will transform the education canvas of India. The aim is to empower them with pedagogical and technological … Continue reading CMR University Establishes Specialized School Of Education, To Nurture Aspiring Teachers