If you are a student having enrolled for an academic program of your choice at a University of your choosing, you should remember to enroll for sports while also taking part in multiple extracurricular activities through the Student Clubs on campus. Participation in sports activities must continue throughout your educational journey and must not be considered as a limited-time activity. 

While you step into University, it becomes vital that you explore the Sports activities and extracurricular activities along with your academic life that your University has on offer. This is because of the following reasons:

  • A welcome break – When you are engrossed in academics, it becomes important to refresh your mind and provide a much-needed impetus in the form of healthy breaks through extracurricular activities which you can utilize to indulge in a sporting activity (mainly outdoors) of your choice. This results in a change of environment leading to the mind responding positively to newer tasks. This scientifically determined approach comes in handy while you have multiple academic subjects to master; this can therefore be accomplished with ease when you are in a happy and fresh state of mind.
  • Spirit of competition – Indulging in sporting and co-curricular activities enables you to naturally understand the spirit of competition and fair play. These aspects come in handy during real-life situations as well. With these, you will be able to grasp the various nuances of optimal performance such as putting in the best efforts always and strategizing smartly.
  • Leadership qualities – It is a universally accepted fact that sports activities cultivate leaders. Leaders display leadership qualities, and leaders are not restricted to sports; human society now needs “leaders” more than ever. Hence, with leadership qualities gained through sports, you are better placed to become “thought leaders” in today’s society that has of late been hit by uncertainties.
  • Learning newer skills/trades – Every sporting activity that you participate in or take up is a newer skill by itself. Hence, you could pick up newer skills effectively; these co-curricular activities if cultivated could also turn to a viable trade fetching you good yields for the future.
  • Health benefits – Indulging in sports and recreation activities alongside academic program is one of the best ways in which you can maintain a healthy body which in turn translates into a happy state of mind. Thus, take up sports to stay fit – physically and mentally.

Hence, you should be indulging in sports and extracurricular activities throughout life – not just academics; to ensure perfect synchronization with your surroundings, the planet, and most importantly with yourself.


Posted by cmradmin

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